• Anger Management is PsychoEDUCATIONAL, not psychotherapeutic.
  • Teaches clients how to successfully manage problem anger – So they can lead an acceptable social life with partner, family friends and work colleagues.
  • Short, fixed delivery times – 14 hours individual coaching – and only 30 hours group coaching.
  • Outstanding course-end satisfaction ratings: (95% say the courses met or exceeded expectations)
  • Long lasting results – Surveys show average response time since course 23 months – satisfaction rating still 92% good/excellent.
  • Individual and group courses both use the same course material to ensure consistently high satisfaction ratings from all clients.
  • Clients leave with realistic expectations of success. They know they have the tools and the strategies that will ultimately help them take control. They also know they will need to put in work to embed them into habit.
  • Group courses cost less than £25 per hour. Outstanding value for a programme that delivers in excess of 90% ‘satisfied to delighted’ ratings.

flowersThe need for good Anger Management coaching is enormous. The current UK bill for Mental Health is over £100 billion per year and all the forecasts indicate an increase in stress and serious anger related problems during the current economic difficulties. Having asked for feedback from previous course participants we have been able to identify what makes our programmes more effective and construcive than previous methods they may have chosen: Anger Management is Psycho-EDUCATIONAL, not Psycho-THERAPEUTIC

Many BAAM clients have previously tried traditional therapeutic methods with only limited success. Anger Management coaching is a short-term programme with a very specific goal; to enable the client to manage his/her Anger & Stress problems successfully. Anger Management needs to be taught in a structured way that offers you tools, skills and methodologies that ensure successful Stress & Anger Management.

BAAM’s Anger Management programmes are structured to have a beginning, middle and end to the process. Anger Management coaching can be and is life changing if the lessons are applied, and clients frequently recognise the improvements from their Anger Management sessions very quickly. BAAM© Anger Management programmes are normally completed in a maximum of 30 group hours work or an optimum of 14 hours when attending 1:1 sessions.

Anger Management coaching is more than regular therapy in that it also provides the client with key life skills. Teaching clients to deal with stress is an integral part of anger management coaching that is frequently not covered by traditional therapeutic counselling. Training people to manage problem stress, anger and rage successfully offers benefits that go far beyond simply managing anger.

Being the recipient of successful Anger Management coaching can mean improved job security, more stable marriages, happier families, improved financial and social security and improved self confidence. Successful Anger Management coaching has the added benefit of making a real and positive contribution to the country by helping to reduce the financial impact on social services, child support services, the courts and in extreme cases prison.