One-off group coaching for BAAM participants past and present.

‘Anger Guru’ Mike Fisher is hosting a one-off three-hour Refresher Course for anyone who’s participated in one of BAAM’s anger management programmes.

Here’s what you can do in just one session:

Grow and consolidate your support network by meeting new friends and reconnecting with old faces.

Revisit the key material. BAAM’s regular courses are packed with information. On the Refresher Course you’ll have the chance to take a more contemplative journey through some of the important areas you might have missed before.

Review what has and hasn’t worked for you. This is a great opportunity to brush up on your Anger Management skills – explore what has and hasn’t worked for you and and then re-integrate the learning into your everyday life.

Learn new, advanced Anger Management skills that build on your knowledge and progress your journey even further. In previous refreshers we have discovered that shadows, primary needs, stress and a few of the rules get re-visited. What is great about refresher’s is that participants listen from a very different place inside of themselves and this deepens the learning.

To book please visit our parent site: